Wednesday, June 16, 2010

ACTHA Ride at Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

The ACTHA ride at Western Pleasure was wonderful! It was a world record attempt for the biggest nationwide trail competition. The trails at the ranch are just about as good as it gets! They were well worn trails winding through the trees, up and down easy hills and through lots of water from muddy standing water to a belly deep pond to rushing streams. It was one of the first hot days of the season but we rode in dappled sun and light breezes so it was perfect. The course was six miles long. There were six judged areas. Several judged areas consisted of multiple portions. Some judged areas were slightly more difficult for the open riders. This is what I did in the open class:

#1: Ride over a small bridge, into an "L" and back out, walk over a piece of plywood, sidepass over a pole to open a mailbox, and open and close a gate. This obstacle was near the parking area so you could do it first or last. Cayenne was strangely hesitant about the bridge and it took some urging. The rest was fine.

#2: Drag an ex-Christmas tree about 10' and then back up, pulling it back to the starting point. No problem.

#3: Ride into a ravine, cross a narrow section of moving water, and climb a steep hill. Cay was excited about horses she'd glimpsed up ahead of us and when she loped up the steep hill, I let her. I still scored well but should have made her walk. I schooled her at the top once we were out of the judging area.

#4: Wade through a belly deep pond. No problem.

#5: At cattle holding pens, sidepass through one gateway, turn on haunches and set up to sidepass through a second gateway, turn on forehand, back across corral until hind feet between two cones. Cay was sticky sidepassing the first portion, the rest was ok.

#6: Sidehill through trees, come down bank, cross rocky, fast moving creek, and go up moderate bank on other side. No problem.

Cayenne and I took 2nd in the Open. I'm not sure how many were in that class but I will guess 12-15. We also tied for "Best Groomed Horse." I guess the quick hosing at 6am paid off! I got a dog rain jacket from Muddy Creek and a gift certificate for 32oz of eZall for that. I got $100 in ACTHA bucks for the 2nd place. I have not decided what to spend it on but may get a rain jacket for myself from Muddy Creek.

The ride was the best ran I have been to all year. Janice and Roley Schoonover at Western Pleasure Guest Ranch have experience at putting on rides as well as other events. The riders went out smoothly, lunch was ready when we came back, and the scores were tallied in record time! The trails were also well marked and interesting. I'm sure it is difficult trying to decide how hard to make the trails. If they are too easy, they're boring for the experienced riders on experienced horses. If they are too hard, they become a safety risk for novice riders or horses. I would not have wanted to be on a green horse raised in a flat corral. I would have felt comfortable being on one of my own green horses that I trust to handle themselves over logs, up and down steep and muddy banks, etc.

I came across a fairly novice rider on a fairly novice three year old mare at the beginning of the ride. She was not a competitor but a volunteer who was going to hand out completion ribbons at the end of the ride. Her horse didn't want to go out on the trail by itself so I volunteered to be her buddy. Cayenne did great and didn't mind the mare coming right up behind us quite a bit. I normally like to trot or lope out for the first mile or two but I figured it would be a day to take it easy and help someone avoid a wreck. It was a good confidence builder for both the mare and the rider and I was impressed with how they both did overall. They were not judged on the obstacles, and held back while I was, but they did have to complete some just because they were the trail! The last obstacle, the bank and the rushing creek, was the only thing that panicked the mare. That was in part due to some excited paint horses that had came up behind us while we waited for the judge, and the fact that I had disappeared down the hill in the trees to complete the obstacle by myself. I doubled back to the creek bank to wait for the lady to cross but her horse got scared and took off across the hillside. The judge almost got ran over. The mare hit the judge with the point of her shoulder as she bolted past and the judge had to jump down the hill and skid to a stop on her butt to avoid continuing into the creek! The lady was going to go on up to the top of the ridge and hook up with another trail back to the lodge. I figured that was a bad idea so I came back across the creek. She was able to put her horse's nose in Cayenne's tail and she followed us right across. She just needed some reassurance! All's well that ends well!

Although Western Pleasure is just over two hours away from me, I will be inclined to participate in events they have due to the positives at the ACTHA ride. Their lodge is beautiful, they have a warm-up arena, and the shady lawn was nice to relax on while eating lunch and partaking in the awards ceremony. Good job, Western Pleasure!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I am a follower now. I hope to enjoy your summaries of future trail events. Maybe we'll see you at the fairgrounds this weekend. It is a toss up between going to the fairgrounds or heading to the rodeo in Newport.
