Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Quick Update

I'm busy helping hay so don't have time to blog. Heck, I haven't even checked my email in a week! A quick update though:

I am NOT doing the Trainer's Challenge at the Horsin' Around Expo in Sandpoint this weekend. Blaze stepped on himself and cut his heel. It's not bad but I'm giving him some time off to heal. The Trainer's Challenge competition is a lot of work both mentally and physically and there is no sense in pushing him when he's not 100%. I considered starting Turbo, my two-year-old, but don't think it'd be fair to give him a one-week crash course before taking him. He's a sweet colt with a good mind but I shouldn't take advantage of him!

Several weeks ago, June 27th, I competed in the Extreme Cowboy Race in Sandpoint. I have yet to blog about it but will briefly later. It was fun but not many people turned out for it. I'm doing another one this Sunday on Cayenne. I also showed Cay at the Fist Full of Silver Appaloosa Show in Spokane on July 3rd. I took her just to contribute a "body" for the show as she is definitely not a show horse. I wanted to do the reining on her Sunday but had family in town so just did the first day of the show. I entered her in aged mares, most colorful, hunter under saddle, and junior trail. She really was a little trooper as she's hardly even had my english saddle on. Maybe fifteen minutes to ensure that it fit okay. She was really tired and somewhat cranky by the time trail class came around and she (and I) performed poorly. She was scared of some fake geese and couldn't get her mind off of them for the rest of the obstacles. I should have slowed her down and collected her but I was done, too! I rushed her through and was happy to finish an extremely ugly ride!

I shall return later. I am raking and baling hay for the rest of the day.

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