Monday, August 30, 2010

Pat Wyse Clinic

I took Cayenne and Blaze to the two-week summer seminar at Pat Wyse's ranch near Townsend, Montana the last week of July and fist week of August. I have ridden in Pat's clinics for years. My riding always improves under him and I have a lot of fun!

Cayenne did well. Her stops are coming along and we made good progress on her turn-a-rounds. She changes leads too easily so I have to ride to the outside quite a bit, especially through the center where we "might" change leads. I really like to ride her and felt good about our progress.

Blaze did fine, too. I will have to count but I think I had less than 30 rides on him when we went. We kept it pretty simple for him. He is a very easy lead changer so we did some flying lead changes. He also did some stops, rollbacks, drop to trot lead changes, flexing exercises, etc. He was nice and calm throughout and I'm happy with how he's coming along.

It was nice to see everyone at the clinic and I also got to meet some new people there. Camp food is always delicious! I took my kitty, Abigail, so had company at night in the trailer.

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