I started Smokey under saddle today with the assistance of my little helper, Cayenne. Cayenne is the leopard pictured after we loped around in the dirty snow/rain slop today! Smokey is very easy going and willing so far. She’s a bit pushy on the ground but really does understand how to give to pressure. I brought her in out of the rain and brushed her before turning her into the round corral. She trotted around calling to
I warmed
I did some more groundwork, stepped up and down in the stirrups several times, and finally got on Smokey. She was unsure the first time I stepped up in the stirrup but didn’t spook or get very tense. I did lots of petting on her and she relaxed quickly. I got on and off a few times and let her move around when she wanted. She was quite giving with her nose and I was able to steer her easily with the rope halter. She was not concerned about me being on her back. For all I know, someone has been up there already. She is a High Sign Nugget though so she may not have had any work at all! My Smarty and Cayenne have been the easiest for me to start so it must be a bloodline trait!
Until I teach Cayenne to use the camera, we won't be seeing any photos of me riding Smokey!
I'm very excited that you had such good first day with Tulip. She had never had a saddle or anyone on her before. The only work she'd had was having to stand for vetting & the farrier, and getting a bath. Could very well be inherited from Spot.